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Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2010

my motivation

“ selalu ada pelajaran yang baik dan berguna di balik kesusahan, percayalah akan ada pelangi setelah hujan, dan akan ada permata di balik air mata” selalu ingat bahwa Allah tidak akan memberikan cobaan melebihi kemampuan umatnya..

For my Beloved Alphabets

I lost my another alphabets my best alphabets, when did I get my best alphabets back? I missed that thing, I need alphabets who understand me, fell happy when I'm happy, understand me when I'm sad..I don.t want make you sad when I'm sad, I'm just want you make me smile when I'm sad, and makes me better. Can you feel when you get a good news, or you get happiness, but there's no body care bout your happiness?? even your friend envy, someday you wont feel that happiness when you 're in that'll feel empty and feel like, what kind of happiness it is??means nothing for me.. I have no spirit to do something more than I have done before..I have no destination, what for my achievement??no body care about that.. why my alphabets sometimes deem that I was their rival?? and can't compete healthily.. One more, I sad when I care about somebody and their can't respect what I have done,,but it's all up to them, because I give everything fro...

Product Bundling VS Price Bundling

Banyak perusahaan yang melakukan bundling, karena memang bundling ini terbukti cukup ampuh untuk mendongkrak penjualan, hal ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa fakta mengenai keberhasilan operator telekomunikasi dalam meningkatkan penjualan kartu perdannya saat di bundling dengan handphone-handphone seluler. Bundling banyak diimplementasikan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan baik penyedia jasa ataupun barang, seperti contonhya, paket makanan di McD, KFC, atau saat McD menawarkan mainan anak-anak  bersama dengan paket menu, hal tersebut pun termasuk bundling, atau paket perjalanan yang ditawrkan travel agent dan juga penjualan PC (komputer). Namun ada beberapa hal mengenai bundling yang perlu diperhatikan, salah satunya yaitu seperti judul dari postingan ini. Namun sebelum menuju ke perbedaa antara product bundling dan price bundling, sebaiknya kita mengetahui pengertian bundling itu sendiri. Bundling Menurut stremersch and tellis (2002) bundling is the sale of two or more separate prod...


Allhamdullilaaah, finally I got my Bachelor Degree, thanks to everyone who had helped me, and the biggest thanks to Allah SWT, who gives me everything. My parents who always gives me spirit and my familyy...of courseee...thanks God

My Wish, tonight..

Tonight, If I could Pray, I would pray as much as I can..,  I hope this will be the end of  the war.. Ya Allah, please makes me Taft, strong, and patient.. I wish I can face everything wisely and in the right way.. I hope I can do my best, and makes my family especially my parents proud of me, Amiin..

this is application from yahoo,yeah seems like twitter..but we can upload video, and picture besides text for sure.., you also can access them from your cell, try this..

Broken String

Enjoying the Sunday Night Alone..

First I wanna tell the  chronology of events : 1. I had an appointment with someone on Saturday , So i had prepared everything we need for Sunday. 2.  apparently, my friend canceled all schedule that I had arranged. 3. Already disappointed, so I decided to do all my schedule that i had arranged alone.although I couldn't do all my schedule, but I striped as can as possible.  Can you imagine,  I was really i went out alone, but it was getting night, i decided to go to Book store, hmmm. And enjoyed the night alone, walked alone..hmmm so free.hahhaa,, I can drink Jcool Couple alonee,2 for 1 hahahaa...sluurrrp..,  Being alone is possible, but it was a trouble when you cancelled all the schedule that i had arranged before.

Be a Taft Women..

Andaiii, saya lahir sebelum tahun 1988, misalnya 1980, saat ini saya pengen sudah menjadi wanita karir yang sukses, udah nyicipin bisa keliling dunia, punya keluarga bahagia...senangnyaa... Hebat rasanya jadi wanita karir yang sukses, menandakan wanita yang bisa mandiri, bisa melakukan semuanya tanpa tergantung orang lain, bisa menghasilkan sesuatu yang dapat membantu orang lain,, Apalagi kalo punya pasangan yang sama-sama hebat..Beautiful Life...,  Ada yang bilang, dibalik pria sukses ada wanita yang hebat, tapi apa wanita sukses itu tidak memerlukan pria hebat dibelakangnya?? hahaa, mungkin, karena wanita bisa melakukannya sendirii, wanita mandiri pasti bisa melakukan ituu.. Being taft is not easy, but we can do that if we learn how to act,  how to life from the past and see the future brightly..there are still alot of thing waiting for be a taft womennnn guyssss,,

Agar tidak Unemployment Section 2.

Sedang mencari cara dan berfikir, bagaimana caraya agar begitu lulus tidak menganggur, gag ada kerjaan..hmmm.. Berhenti beraktivitas dari kegiatan yang selama ini rutin dilakukan itu emang awalnya terasa enak, tapi lama-lama gag tahan juga, waktu istirahat dan berlibur itu memang cukup palng super maksimal 1 minggu ajahh kalo emang liburan gag kemana-mana, kecuali liburannya banyak acara..hahhaaa.. Waktu kosong ini mesti diisi dengan sesuatu yang bermanfaat, gag boleh diem, mesti cari sesuatu yang baru,,Semangaattt!!!!1